Thursday, October 14, 2021

Reflection- journal #7: Know about Arthritis??


Hello Journal, 

    It was World Arthritis Day on October 12th, 2021! So, what is this Arthritis? 

A simple definition for arthritis would be swelling, tenderness, and pain in the joints which may come with many more symptoms. There are different types of arthritis. Some common types of arthritis that found are osteoporosis, psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and lupus. 

This past week, I had a project due for my immunology class and I did a small poster on the topic Rheumatoid arthritis. There's no specific reason why I chose this topic even though I do have family members who has diagnosed with arthritis in general. Since, I completed my project, I thought its ideal to reflect on what I said on my project through an immuno-journal. On my project, I started with a small introduction by defining what specifically "Rheumatoid arthritis" is. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune, inflammatory disease where the immune system sends the antibody to the lining of the joints and tissues which thereby causing the synovium to spread across the joints causing inflammation. My overall project also included sections of signs and symptoms, the risk factors and diagnosis, treatments, and also some detailed diagrams of the process in which rheumatoid arthritis occur. 

Working on this project was helpful for me as it gave me more knowledge on this specific disease which is widely seen in many population especially in the older community. Therefore, it always helps to educate ourselves and the people we know who has arthritis or show symptoms that is similar to rheumatoid. And I do support with all these projects because it allows us to choose the topic we love to research on and develop our abilities, skills, and knowledge needed for further studies. 

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